HWG HTML5 course assignment 2

NOTE: Page left intentionally ugly with colours and overflowing and clashing text to prompt discussion in subsquent weeks how to use these "containers" more efficiently, for example have them also re-size or otherwise.

Week 2: HTML5 Sections, Containers, Boxes and Shapes

An article


What I'd like you to do this week is create a layout with HTML5 structural elements similar to the one I showed you. What I'm looking for here is to make sure you understand the concept of structural elements.

A figure with NO float

Please place a border around each element using CSS property border: 1;

A figure with LEFT float

Also, feel free to colorize, round the corners, or add drop shadows as your see fit. This is not mandatory, though. Again, all I really want to see here is that you understand the containers concept.

A figure with RIGHT float

This is additional arbitary text to see how it flows (or floats) around the figures that have been added within this container.