CSS Assignment 1

Introduction to Styles

For this assignment I decided to STYLE the assignment posted by Kynn. Any text in white is a comment, or a response to a question set in the assignment.
This has taught me a few things about styles, for example notice that the above sentances are bold but the style itself isn't (as seen in this text) - it inherits the bold feature from the <P> selector.

To complete this assignment, you should have read chapter 2 in the "Web Designer's Guide to Style Sheets" textbook. A list of sample styles you can use will be posted as another discussion thread in this folder.
Note use of inline style on the Anchor tag, to remove the underline.

In the chapter, we see several ways in which you can incorporate styles into a web page. These include:
An unordered list:

In this assignment, you will use these techniques in the following way:
An ordered list:

  1. Create a web page. This can be anything that has a decent amount of content, because we're going to be marking up that content with style. Have properly closed <P> tags, several <H1> or <H2> headings, and anything else you like -- <UL>s and <LI>s and <BLOCKQUOTE>s are good.
  2. Add stylesheets to the page as described in the following items.
  3. Create a stylesheet -- a list of style rules. Decide whether or not you want to make this an embedded stylesheet using <STYLE> or an external one using <LINK>. Do you know the differences and advantages of each?    Embeded Styles are stored with the HTML and apply only to the HTML document they are contained in. Linked Styles are stored in a separate ASCII file with a .CSS extension, these can be applied to multiple HTML files, a change to the .CSS file will cause changes to made to all the HTML files that use it.
  4. Your stylesheet should contain at LEAST the following:
    An unordered list within an ordered list:
  5. Also, include at least two inline styles using the STYLE attribute on some HTML tags.  included
  6. When you have completed this, please post your URL here, as described below.

To post your assignment, reply to this message and make two links as follows:

<A HREF="http://www.wherever.your/~page/is.html">HTML page</A>
<A HREF="http://www.wherever.your/~stylesheet/is.css">Stylesheet</A>
(if you used an external style sheet -- if not, then just one link is necessary)

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